ACF – Together We Can Campaign – Now the petition to end coal and gas

ACF – Together We Can Campaign – Now the petition to end coal and gas

In 2021, ACF and partners launched Together We Can to demonstrate the huge public demand for real action on climate this decade.

We brought together everyday people, communities and businesses all over the country calling for climate and nature solutions to cut pollution by more than half this decade. This led to thousands of yellow Climate Action Now signs being distributed in communities in the lead-up to the 2022 federal election.

At the ballot boxes, we the people delivered a resounding call for bolder climate action and more integrity in politics from our Parliament.

Since then, we’ve made a lot of progress. After a wasted decade of climate policy paralysis in Australia, we now have an improved emissions reduction target and a stronger Safeguard Mechanism to crack down on our biggest polluters.

But much more still needs doing.

Every minute our governments hand over $22,217 to fossil fuels in subsidies. When the coal and gas Australia exports are burned overseas, the damage adds up to 5% of global climate pollution.

It’s up to all of us to keep pushing our government to deliver bolder climate action now.

Sign the petition now urging the Australian government to end all coal and gas projects in Australia and guide us to a safe climate future.

Petition demands

“To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister,

End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means:

  • This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities
  • No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure
  • Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead.”


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ACF – Together We Can Campaign – Now the petition to end coal and gas

Along with many other Australians who called for Climate Action Now, join in and sign the petition to end coal and gas.

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